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How are Global Warming
and Biodiversity Connected?

Longitude, Latitude :
N: 52.3° N
S: 18.2° N
W: 75.9° E
E: 132.2° E
China's Red List Species

Population Trend of China

Threats of China's species

In China, a Main threat to species was Biological Resource Use. To be specific, Logging & wood harvesting was the most potent threat. The second threat was Agriculture & aquaculture, such as wood plantations, and livestock farming. The third threat was Residential & commercial development, such as Housing & urbanization, and tourism. Climate change & severe weather was the 6th main threat in China.
Climate-Related Threats of China's species

Among the Climate-related threat, Habitat shifting & alteration was the most affecting factor. The second important factor was Temperature extremes, and the third was Droughts.
Climate Threat Analysis

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