How are Global Warming
and Biodiversity Connected?


Threat Rank of East Asia species

In all places in East Asia, Biological Resource Use was the most threatful human activity. Climate change & severe weather was a big threat to Taiwan, Japan, and Korean Peninsula. However, Climate change didn't affect China and Macao's Ecosystem compared to other countries in East Asia. Maybe this is because the effect of global climate change is regionally different. As a further study, if we compare the regional climate change affect chart and the above chart, we can surely say that difference in threat rank of Climate change is due to the characteristics of climate change. If it's not because of climate change's regional difference, maybe the population density, industrial structure, and many other reasons can be the answer.
Climate-Related Threat Rank of East Asia species

Analyzing the rank between Climate-Related Threat, most of the countries' main threat was Habitat shifting & alteration. However, both Taiwan and Japan were mostly affected by Temperature extremes. Finding the commonalities between the two countries, they were both islands. So we concluded that Island countries are more vulnerable to Temperature extremes. Also, the two countries are well-known for being storm-suffering countries, so Storms & flooding were the second most threatening factor for the ecosystem in both countries.