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Republic Of Korea

Longitude, Latitude : 

  • N: 37° N

  • S: 33° N

  • W: 124° E

  • E: 137° E

S. Korea's Red List Species

남한 레드.png

Population Trend of S. Korea


Threats of S. Korea's species


In South Korea, a Main threat to species was Biological Resource Use. To be specific, Fishing & harvesting aquatic resources was the most potent threat. The second threat was Pollution, such as Agricultural & forestry effluents, and Industrial & military effluents. The third threat was Climate change & severe weather, such as Drought, and Severe weather. Climate change & severe weather was the 3rd main threat in South Korea.

Climate-Related Threats of S. Korea's species


Among the Climate-related threat, Habitat shifting & alteration was the most affecting factor. The second important factor was Temperature extremes. The third was Storms & flooding, and Other impacts ( Ecosystem conversion, Reduced reproductive success etc).

Climate Threat Analysis

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