How are Global Warming
and Biodiversity Connected?

Solution of Korea
1. Establishment and implementation of national biodiversity strategies
: Korea established the 5th National Biodiversity Strategy, which reflects the 'Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework' adopted at the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
2. Conservation, research, and international cooperation of global biodiversity
: Korea contributed to the preservation of global biodiversity through collaborations with countries in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America, including joint biodiversity surveys and the legal acquisition and research of useful biological materials.

3. Integrated national biodiversity information management
: Through the National Biodiversity Information Sharing System (CHM), Korea operated a biodiversity information sharing system that integrates information on domestic biological resources and biodiversity.
4. Enhancing adaptability to climate change
: It evaluates the biodiversity of the state and local governments, predicts losses, selects vulnerable areas, and collects, analyzes, and models biodiversity information through Nature-Based Solutions.
5. Environmental problem species monitoring and information establishment: By analyzing pieces of biological DNA floating in water, soil, and atmosphere, it contributes to ecosystem conservation and health improvement by monitoring biodiversity due to climate change, protecting endangered species, and preventing the spread of invasive species.
6. Efficient wildlife management
:In order to prevent damage caused by wildlife-borne diseases such as COVID-19, Korea is establishing an importable list (white list) for reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals to manage the entire import and distribution process of wild animals
Global solution
1. Land/ water protection: Actions to identify, establish or expand parks and other legally protected areas. This class contains all actions designed to directly protect biodiversity through parks, reserves, easements, or other similar means.
2. Land/water management: Actions directed at conserving or restoring sites, habitats, and the wider environment.
This class contains all actions involved in directly managing habitats. It targets three or more specific species.
3. Species management: Actions directed at managing or restoring species focused on the species of concern itself.
This class contains all actions involved in directly managing species. The action targets two or fewer specific species.
4. Law& policy: Actions to develop, change, influence, and help implement formal legislation, regulations, and voluntary standards.
This class contains a series of strategies aimed at using government powers at all levels to protect biodiversity. This class involves enacting or changing the legislation or policy and then promoting compliance or enforcement of it.
5. Livelihood, economic& other incentives: Actions to use economic and other incentives to influence behavior.
This class of actions has been gaining in popularity in the past few years.
6. Education &awareness: Actions directed at people to improve understanding and skills, and influence behavior.
Each has to develop their own capacity from their work. This targets individuals rather than organizations.

Example: Bull Shark
They prefer inshore coastal waters, estuarine, and riverine habitats. However, with climate change, they are threatened by habitat loss. Global climate change has already resulted in large-scale coral bleaching events with increasing frequency causing worldwide reef degradation.
Australia, South Africa, and many countries in the Arabian Seas are trying to reduce fishing in each area to protect the Bull Shak.
Example: Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle
These species are damaged by droughts or storms and flooding. They are listed in CITES Appendix II in 2013 and protected for beneficial, economic, or scientific Value under China’s Wild Animals Protection Law. It is fully protected under Vietnamese Decree 160 ND-CP 2013.