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2. Graph Analysis
Temperature Graph
2.1.1. Temperature contour with wind vector field

Time: 3 PM - 3 AM (09 UTC), Total 25 time steps (Each 30 min)
X-Axis: Grid Size
Y-Axis: Eta level (Ztop = 20 km)
Color Contour Legend:
What Does The Graph Indicate:
- Air temperature of each eta level
- Wind Vector arrow (U, V wind)
Graph Analysis Element:
- None (Since there was a slight difference observed in color contour, other graphs were
used to conduct the case study.)

Atmospheric Temperature (Unit: Celsius)
2.1.2. Surface temperature

Time: 3 PM - 3 AM (09 UTC), Total 25 time steps (Each 30 min)
X-Axis: Grid Size
Y-Axis: Difference between ‘south_north’ mean surface skin temperature (TSK) and it's min value *100
What Does The Graph Indicate:
- Difference of calculated surface skin temperature at each grid point. The absolute minimum
value is written on the y-axis (left) of the graph.
- If the plot have a large curvature, There is a large temperature difference between the urban
area and the mixed forest area.
- If the plot is generally on top, there is a large temperature difference across time steps.
Graph Analysis Element:
- Relatively large temperature difference of the urban area compared to the surrounding area
- Observation of heat-dome phenomenon near the earth's surface, focusing on the
2.1.3. Max Difference in Surface Temperature

Time: 3 PM - 3 AM (09 UTC), Total 25 time steps (Each 30 min)
X-Axis: Time step
Y-Axis: Difference between the maximum and minimum values of the surface skin temperature (TSK) at the corresponding time step
What Does The Graph Indicate:
- The larger the value of the plot, the greater the temperature difference between the urban
and mixed forest regions.
- It can be seen in the 2.1.2 graph that the temperature is different at the east_west grid point
depending on the type of the ground.
Graph Analysis Element:
- By adjusting the urban size and temperature, we can easily observe how the urban type area affects the surface skin temperature (TSK) in a single graph.
Wind Graph
2.2.1. U wind contour (X-direction wind)

Time: 3 PM - 3 AM (09 UTC), Total 25 time steps (Each 30 min)
X-Axis: Grid Size
Y-Axis: Eta level (Ztop = 20 km)
Color Contour Legend:
What Does The Graph Indicate:
- U wind (X direction wind) velocity at each eta level in a certain timestep
- If the wind velocity is positive, the western wind is blowing.
On the other hand, negative wind velocity implies eastern wind.
Graph Analysis Element:
- U wind collision time difference according to the urban size
- Wind velocity difference before and after U wind collision
X direction wind velocity (Unit: m/s)

2.2.. W wind contour (Vertical wind)

Time: 3 PM - 3 AM (09 UTC), Total 25 time steps (Each 30 min)
X-Axis: Grid Size
Y-Axis: Eta level (Ztop = 20 km)
Color Contour Legend:
What Does The Graph Indicate:
- W wind (Z direction wind) velocity at each eta level in a certain timestep
- If the wind velocity is positive, the upward direction wind is blowing.
On the other hand, negative wind velocity implies downward direction wind.
Graph Analysis Element:
- W wind collision time difference according to the urban size
- Dome-like upward wind field in urban
Z direction wind velocity (Unit: m/s)


2023-2 Numerical Weather Prediction
Team 4
Ideal Urban Heat Island Simulation
- Analysis of relationship between heat dome intensity and the degree of urbanization
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