Figure 1. Youtube Video about Urban Heat Island (Source: BBC Youtube Channel)
Recently, due to global warming, the heat dome phenomenon is becoming more severe and lasting for longer periods worldwide. Furthermore, research reports suggest that in urbanized areas, heat domes tend to worsen even more than in rural regions. However, since more people are densely concentrated in urban areas worldwide, the correlation between the degree of urbanization and the intensification of heat waves can only increase the risk of casualties due to the heat dome phenomenon.
Therefore, our team aims to analyze how the degree of urbanization affects the development of heat domes and to explore methods to reduce casualties caused by heat domes in urban areas.
There are various parameters that can represent the degree of urbanization, but in this study, we have designed a model with varying urban area sizes to compare and contrast the extent of urbanization.
Through simulations of two models with different urban sizes, we plan to observe how heat domes affect u, and w wind velocity and temperature, as well as to investigate the differences between the two models in terms of their patterns.
1. The intensity of the u wind component and temperature are expected to be stronger and higher in larger cities than in smaller cities, while the v wind component is expected to be weaker. The tendency will be constant in various city sizes.
2. Therefore there will be a positive relationship between the intensity of u, v wind component and temperature with the size of the city without any influence of external factors. It can be observed as the Dome-shaped convection pattern formed above the city.

2023-2 Numerical Weather Prediction
Team 4
Ideal Urban Heat Island Simulation