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Result (Winter Case)
Temperature Graph
Temperature contour with wind vector arrow
lm = 10 (Urban 20%, 40km)
lm = 20 (Urban 40%, 80km)
lm = 40 (Urban 80%, 160km)

Surface temperature
lm = 10 (Urban 20%, 40km)
lm = 20 (Urban 40%, 80km)
lm = 40 (Urban 80%, 160km)

Max Difference in Surface Temperature

Wind Graph
U wind contour (X-direction wind)
lm = 10 (Urban 20%, 40km)
lm = 20 (Urban 40%, 80km)
lm = 40 (Urban 80%, 160km)

W wind contour (Vertical wind)
lm = 10 (Urban 20%, 40km)
lm = 20 (Urban 40%, 80km)
lm = 40 (Urban 80%, 160km)

2023-2 Numerical Weather Prediction
Team 4
Ideal Urban Heat Island Simulation
- Analysis of relationship between heat dome intensity and the degree of urbanization
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